Radio opnamen 1978-2012


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1USA1993GR 4 Non BlondesWhat's up FZJA13.07.1993


1GBR--EP 808 Statesong 01 FZJA22.02.1993


1BRD1993GR AbwärtsFehlkonstruction FZPB15.03.1993
2BRD--PO Katherine AchimDawn POHU21.04.1993
3GBR1977PR AdvertsOne chord wonder GREL26.01.1993
4USA1993GR AerosmithWalk on down FZJA19.04.1993
5GBR1993RE African Head ChargeHeading to glory GREL16.11.1993
6BRD1993GP Alex Oriental Experiencesong 01 POKG08.04.1993
7USA1993GP Arthur AlexanderJohnny Heartbreak ABBA14.08.1993
8USA1993SB Bernard AllisonYou're hurting me SLGA06.04.1993
9USA1992SO Gerald AlstonWorld of ours SLGA06.04.1993
10IER1993GN An Emotional FishRain FZJA15.06.1993
11USA1992SO Carl AndersonLove will follow SLGA15.06.1993
12USA--SO Ernestine AndersonJazz street SLJE13.07.1993
13USA1993SO Vicki AndersonDon't throw your love in the carb SLGA29.06.1993
14FRA1962FR Richard AnthonyJe entend si file le train POKG06.04.1993
15GBR1993PO Terence Trent d' ArbyDelicate SLGA04.05.1993
16CAN1993CF Jann ArdenI just don't love you anymore ABBA25.09.1993
17USA1992HI Arrested DevelopmentGive a man a fish SLGA30.03.1993
18USA1992HI Arrested DevelopmentGive a man a fish SLGA30.03.1993
19BRD--GW ArtStripped POKH02.06.1993
20BRD--GP Arts & DecayMiscolour POHU23.04.1993
21GBR--GP AuteursBailt out ABBA03.04.1993
22USA--LR Ayibobosong 01 JAHY29.12.1993
23USA--GR Ayibobosong 02 JAHY29.12.1993
24GBR1993PO Aztec Camerasong 01 FZJA17.05.1993


1NED1993JA Ab Baarssong 01 JAMB20.01.1993
2ZWI--SY Back To EarthEmotions in motion SCTR23.12.1993
3BRD--SY Peter BackhausenRendez-vous SCTR18.11.1993
4USA--GP Bad LiversLust for life GRJO23.03.1993
5USA1993PR Bad ReligionPortrait of authority FZJA14.06.1993
6GBR--AF Baka BeyondThe man who danced to slowly ABBA30.10.1993
7USA1991SO Arthur Baker & Al GreenLeave the guns at home SLGA12.01.1993
8USA1993GR Bakers PinkJulianna POFH15.02.1993
9ROM1992IN Balanescu QuartetThe model ABBA16.01.1993
10GBR1993SO Philip BandOne man and his music SLGA16.03.1993
11USA--GP Bash & PopFirst steps ABBA13.02.1993
12JOE--PI Raymond BasovskiPiece froid JASH24.11.1993
13USA--JR Jennifer Battensong 01 INRU08.02.1993
14AAA--JA Bazooka TrioCrossroads POKH03.06.1993
15GBR--PO Beautiful PeopleIf 60's were 90's POFH12.04.1993
16USA--BE Bedlam RoversBig drill ABBA13.02.1993
17BRD--GP BellicoonsThe song inside FZJA27.01.1993
18BRD1993SY Peter Dominik BenderAuf Leben und Tod SCTR23.12.1993
19GBR--GR Bevis FrondFractured sky GREL09.02.1993
20USA1993PO Big ChiefFresh vines POFH12.04.1993
21USA--GR Big Head Todd & The MonstersCircle ABBA05.06.1993
22ICE1993EW BjörkHuman behaviour FZJA12.07.1993
23USA1993GW Frank BlackFu manchu FZJA22.03.1993
24USA1960BL Black Acesong 01 ABBA27.03.1993
25GBR1993IN Black Dog Productionssong 01 GREL04.05.1993
26AAA--PO Black MachineTell me SLGA30.11.1993
27USA1991JR Kenny BlakeHey mister SLGA11.05.1993
28BRD--JZ Blue RoseGood to be blind JAMB28.04.1993
29USA1989GP Blue RubiesWhen you were mine ABBA03.04.1993
30BRD--GW Philip Boa & The Voodooclubsong 01 FZPB18.01.1993
31BRD--GW Bogus BrothersOld lady GREL06.04.1993
32BRD--JR Dagobert BöhmPacific sundown SOBL12.02.1993
33GBR--GW Bollock BrothersArc of the covenant GREL29.06.1993
34BRD1993GP BonesDrivin' me wild FZJA20.04.1993
35CAN1993GP BoomersArt of living FZJA19.04.1993
36NED1993SY Ron BootsTwisted tales SCTR05.08.1993
37AUS1992GW Bored!Rain GREL09.02.1993
38USA1993GR BradGood news POKH06.05.1993
39GBR--PR Brainedsong 01 GREL19.10.1993
40USA--JA Zachary BreauxPiccadillo SOBL14.05.1993
41USA1993GN BreedersDivine hammer GREL02.11.1993
42PAN--LJ Santi di BrianoSensation JAHY29.12.1993
43USA1973SO Brides Of FunkensteinPersonal problems SLJE13.07.1993
44USA1974SO Johnny BristolHang on in there baby SLGA11.05.1993
45USA1992PO Bronx Style Bobsong 01 ABBA09.01.1993
46BRD1988EW BroomI believe in my time GREL06.04.1993
47BRD--EW Broonsong 01 POHU22.03.1993
48CAN--PO Brothers & SystemsStill ABBA03.07.1993
49GBR1993BR Jack Brucesong 01 FZPB17.02.1993
50OOS--GW BrüderGive me your blessing POFH16.04.1993
51USA1992GP Jimmy BuffettIncommunicado POHU25.01.1993
52USA1990BL R.L. BurnsideJumper on the line ABBA15.05.1993
53CAN--BP Busted FlushShellby county jail ABBA13.02.1993
54USA1993SO Bobby ByrdI'm on the move POFH09.07.1993


1CAN--GP Maryn CadelStrict ABBA16.10.1993
2SPA--FO Candealsong 01 BGSF13.01.1993
3GBR1993PR Candy SkinsWembley GREL19.10.1993
4USA1981PO Kim CarnesBette Davis eyes FZPB18.03.1993
5USA1993GR Carnival ArtWhich is wig GREL26.01.1993
6GBR1993SO Dina CarrollYou'll never know FZPB20.01.1993
7USA--JA James Cartersong 01 JAHY17.11.1993
8BRD--PR CascadesLove child GREL06.04.1993
9AUS1992PO Kate Ceberano & The Ministry Of FunStairway to heaven FZPB11.05.1993
10AAA1993GP Wendy ChamlinBack in town FZJA15.06.1993
11POR1993SY Oliver Chanti & FriendsOne cue time garden SCTR30.12.1993
12USA1992SO Charles & EddieFather to son SLGA19.01.1993
13USA--SO Charlie & RayI love you madly ABBA03.04.1993
14USA1993PO Neneh CherryBuddy X POKH29.06.1993
15CHN--OR Tangyang Chinsong 01 ABBA23.10.1993
16USA--BE Chocolate WatchbandIt's all over now ABBA10.04.1993
17USA1993FR Chris & CarlaLong time here POFH12.05.1993
18GBR1992PO ChumbawambaBehave FZJA26.01.1993
19POR--GR Chutos E Pentapessong 01 POFH10.06.1993
20USA1993GR Circus Of PowerCircles POFH16.03.1993
21GBR1992HO Gary Clail On-U Sound SystemWho pays the piper? POFH07.07.1993
22IER1993FO ClannadNa lehti bi FZJA15.06.1993
23USA--BL Guy ClarkWalking the laughing blues ABBA16.01.1993
24USA--SO Otis ClayPeace SLGA12.01.1993
25USA--GP Ashley ClevelandWater ABBA16.10.1993
26USA1960SO CoastersShopping for clothes ABBA10.04.1993
27USA--GR ComeSubmerge FZJA26.01.1993
28GBR1993PR Compulsion SafetyWhy do we care? GREL02.11.1993
29USA--FU Con Funk ShunMisgut the body SLGA29.06.1993
30USA1992EW Controlled BleedingColostomia GREL29.06.1993
31USA1982GP Ry CooderSkin game ABBA07.08.1993
32USA1993PR Cop Shoot CopEverybody loves you when you're GREL04.05.1993
33USA--GP Chris CornellSeasons ABBA02.01.1993
34BRD--GR Cosmic FishSell a vision GRJO23.03.1993
35GBR1976BE Count BishopsTrain train ABBA01.05.1993
36CAN1993GP Cowboy JunkiesWhite sail ABBA27.11.1993
37IER1993GP CranberriesI will always ABBA03.04.1993
38AUS1992PO Cruel SeaDon't sell your love ABBA03.04.1993
39BRD--GP Cry OutClowns, freaks and hobos FZJA27.01.1993
40GBR1993GW CurePurple haze GREL30.11.1993
41GBR1991JR Cyclessong 01 INRU17.05.1993


1DEN1989HR DADSleeping my day away POFH16.04.1993
2BRD--IN Dakotasong 01 GREL18.05.1993
3CAN1977BR Rick DankoNew Mexico ABBA09.01.1993
4USA1979BR Chris DarrowThe sage of Yoakim Moriatta ABBA06.11.1993
5NED--GP Rick DeVitoTower of Babylon ABBA23.01.1993
6GBR1992GP Deacon BlueYour town GREL09.02.1993
7BRD--EW Deine LakaienMind machine GREL30.11.1993
8BRD--SY Kevin Derring & Masami SakaideThe windrose's secret SCTR01.07.1993
9USA--PO Detroitsong 01 ABBA03.04.1993
10USA--GR DigGround hit POFH05.07.1993
11USA1971GP Dion (Dimucci)Sunshine lady ABBA17.07.1993
12BRD--JA Klaus Doldingersong 01 SOBL12.02.1993
13GBR1992PO Don-EOh my gosh SLGA09.03.1993
14AAA1975DI Carol DouglasDoctor's orders SLGA20.04.1993
15USA1993BL Greg DouglassPolice dog blues ABBA06.02.1993
16USA--GP DroversMexican song ABBA07.08.1993
17GBR1993GW Dr. Phibes & The House Of Wax EquationsBurning cross POFH12.05.1993
18GBR1993GP Stephen DuffyNatalie FZJA20.04.1993
19GBR--AR Ian Durban & Jabier AlvarezEdge dance INRU17.05.1993
20USA--SY Mark DwaneThe Atlantis factor SCTR30.12.1993


1GBR1993GP EatShame POKG05.04.1993
2BRD--JR Kai Eckhardt & Benn Höllekrämersong 01 INRU14.06.1993
3TUR--JR Ejamanasong 01 SOBL12.02.1993
4BRD--GP El Gringo & The Original PsychobilliesSmoke on the water POHU20.04.1993
5USA--PO Carmen Electrasong 01 FZPB16.02.1993
6USA--GR Electric WorldMorning star ABBA04.12.1993
7USA1993PR Eleventh Dream DayMakin' like a rug FZJA18.05.1993
8AAA--SO Richard Elliot & Detra HicksPromises SLGA19.01.1993
9USA1989GR Jack EndinoBig saf GREL23.02.1993
10ZWE--JR Entrasong 01 INRU17.05.1993
11USA--JA Peter ErskineNew old age JASH06.01.1993
12TRI--LD ExodusGet something and wait POFH08.06.1993
13BRD--SY E-NormNightwinds SCTR27.05.1993


1USA1993GR Faith No MoreEasy POVI29.04.1993
2USA1961SO Falconssong 01 ABBA03.04.1993
3BUR1993AF FarafinaKara mogo mousso ABBA05.06.1993
4GBR1977PR Mick FarrenLet's loot the supermarket again GREL26.01.1993
5GBR--PI Michael FinnissyEven thinner INRU17.05.1993
6GBR1993GR FishHold your head up FZJA28.01.1993
7USA1992GO Five Blind Boys Of AlabamaLook were you brought me from SLJE09.02.1993
8USA1972SO FloCommon law SLJE02.03.1993
9USA1992GR Flowerheadsong 01 POKH04.06.1993
10BRD--GN Frantic FlowersThe narrow GREL29.06.1993
11GBR1970GR FreeAll right now POFH15.04.1993
12USA--SY Thomas U. FreezeThunderbreath SCTR19.08.1993
13BEL1988EP Front 242Until death (do us part) GREL09.03.1993
14USA--FU Funk AmbassadorsWho's gonna take the beat SLGA02.02.1993
15USA--PO Funky PoetsWe as a people SLGA30.11.1993
16BRD1993BE Fury In The SlaughterhouseHell gets you nowhere FZJA25.02.1993


1USA--GR Galactic CowboysI do what I do POFH10.06.1993
2GBR--SO Gang StarrLovesick POVI02.04.1993
3BRD--GW Garden Of Delightsong 01 GREL05.10.1993
4USA1973SO Marvin GayeTrouble man ABBA06.02.1993
5BRD--SY Martin GerkeSlow motion SCTR25.11.1993
6BRD1993SY Martin GerkeMagic seven SCTR30.12.1993
7USA1986GP Mark GerminoGod ain't no stained class window ABBA12.06.1993
8BRD--GR Getting PrettyYour sister's dead GRJO23.03.1993
9MOZ1993AF GhorwaneMajurugenta ABBA17.07.1993
10USA--GW Ghost Of An American Airman1955 GREL07.09.1993
11GBR1988JR Mike GibbsWatershed INRU08.03.1993
12USA1993HI Johnny GillWhere no man has gone before SLGA15.06.1993
13BRD--SY Ginkgo GardenWay out on the horizon SCTR14.10.1993
14GBR--PO Martine GiraultThe revival POKH10.02.1993
15BRD1993GP Go MitchumToo little too late FZJA24.03.1993
16GBR1993GR God MachineEgo GREL06.04.1993
17FRA1991SY Ludovic GombertDelerium SCTR05.08.1993
18USA1993GP Grant Lee BuffaloStars and stripes ABBA02.10.1993
19USA1969BR Nick GravenitesYou're killing my love INRU28.06.1993
20USA--JA Carola GrayBedside story SOBL12.02.1993
21NOR--SY Green IsacThe ferry SCTR23.12.1993
22BRD--SY Norman GreyThe crusaders SCTR17.06.1993
23USA--EP Grunge-LikeSmells like teen spirit GREL13.07.1993
24BRD--LJ GuapachaDadeduro BGAQ10.03.1993
25GBR1993HI GuruTrust me SLGA18.05.1993
26GBR1993HI GuruTrust me SLGA18.05.1993
27USA1993SO Buddy GuyI go crazy SLGA09.03.1993


1USA1992SO Aaron HallIf I can help somebody SLGA02.02.1993
2USA--GR Hammer BoxOutside FZJA23.03.1993
3BRD1993GP Der Helfende HandIn der grosse Stadt in klammern FZJA19.04.1993
4BRD--GP Helga Picturessong 01 FZJA17.06.1993
5USA1985GW Helios CreedX-rated fairy tales GREL15.06.1993
6USA--BR Bugs HendersonShocked, stunned, bewildered ABBA06.11.1993
7USA1969JA Joe HendersonMood for Joe JAHY29.12.1993
8USA--BR Michael HendersonStone pony blues ABBA13.11.1993
9USA--JZ John HendricksThe final things in live SLGA06.04.1993
10AAA1993PO Here & NowCome home SLGA11.05.1993
11USA1992JR Jon HeringtonBehind the mask INRU28.06.1993
12GBR--GP Nicola HitchcockPick up POVI02.04.1993
13USA1992GO Holmes BrothersAll night, all day SLGA02.02.1993
14USA--BL Homesick JamesTwelve year old boy ABBA30.01.1993
15USA1972GP HonkBakka Jim ABBA12.06.1993
16USA--BL John Lee HookerI ain't gonna suffer no more ABBA30.01.1993
17USA1993GP HootersTwenty five hours a day POKH12.03.1993
18IER1993PO Hothouse FlowersIsn't it amazing ABBA27.02.1993
19USA--FR Penelope HoustonSweetheart FZJA17.05.1993
20GBR1993PO Hue & CryLabour of love FZPB17.03.1993
21USA1993PO Human Dramasong 01 POKH04.06.1993
22USA--FR Sonja HunterDemons POVI28.04.1993


1USA--HI Ice-CubeWas a good day SLGA19.01.1993
2BRD1991JA Klaus IgnatzekWho's smoking SOBL12.02.1993
3USA1993PO IguanasLate at night POFH16.03.1993
4BRA--LG Ile AyeIl de luce ABBA27.11.1993
5USA--SO ImpressionsThe young march SLJE23.02.1993
6USA1993PO Infectious GroovesFame POKH04.05.1993
7ZWE--EW Inside TreatmentBleed for you GREL06.04.1993
8USA1993GP Chris IsaakCan't do a thing (to stop me) FZJA23.03.1993


1GBR1993HI JC-001 & D-ZireThe flow FZJA17.06.1993
2USA1993PO Janet JacksonThe body that loves you SLGA25.05.1993
3USA1969BL John JacksonKnife blues ABBA17.04.1993
4USA--PO Jadesong 01 FZPB11.05.1993
5USA1992SO Etta JamesNinety-nine and a half (won't do) SLJE09.02.1993
6GBR1993GW Wendy JamesLondon's brilliant POHU24.03.1993
7GBR1993SO JamiroquaiToo young to die SLGA16.03.1993
8USA--GR JawboxStatic GRJO23.03.1993
9SPA1993JR Jazzpanasong 01 SOBL12.02.1993
10BRD--BE Jeans Shop GuerilliaThe church of indifference POVI28.05.1993
11USA1956BL Little Willie JohnNeed your love so bad ABBA23.01.1993


1FRA1993PZ Patricia KaasJe te dis vous POFH16.04.1993
2USA--GP Brenda KahnThe great divide ABBA27.03.1993
3USA--BL Glenn Kaiser & Daryl MansfieldYou got to move ABBA19.06.1993
4BRD--PR KalaschnikovGanz im Schwarz GRJO23.03.1993
5BRD--SY Jörn KanitzFrozen groove SCTR15.04.1993
6USA1993PO Karl KeatonI'm sorry SLGA23.03.1993
7USA--GP Robert Earl Keensong 01 ABBA16.10.1993
8USA1992JR Steve KhanAll or nothing at all INRU08.02.1993
9GBR1993GP KinksHatred (a duet) FZJA22.03.1993
10BRD--JR Frank KirchnerGerman SOBL12.02.1993
11BRD--SY Bernward KochFollow me SCTR23.12.1993
12BEL1993SY Patrick KosmosMoon city avenue SCTR30.12.1993
13USA1970GI Leo KottkeEaster in the Sargassosea ABBA10.04.1993


1GBR1988BE LA'sThere she goes POKG07.04.1993
2USA--LD La Gran MancanaLa negra tomasa POKH31.05.1993
3USA1992SO Denise LaSalleMan size job SLJE09.02.1993
4BRD--GR Lace & WhiskySuicide love/Guilty ABBA14.08.1993
5USA--JA Steve LaspinaSocks JASH24.02.1993
6GBR--GR Led Zeppelinsong 01 FZPB16.03.1993
7USA1992GR Liquid JesusGood time baby GRJO23.03.1993
8USA1981PO Liquid LiquidLock groove GREL09.03.1993
9GBR1992HR Little AngelsThe way that I live FZJA25.01.1993
10USA--PO Little AnnieGoing for gold POFH09.06.1993
11USA1990GR Living ColourLove rears its ugly head SLGA12.01.1993
12USA--BR Will "Smokey" LoganThat's where the money goes ABBA06.11.1993
13GBR1985SO Loose EndsHangin' on a string SLGA05.01.1993
14USA--JR Lost Tribesong 01 INRU26.07.1993
15BRD1993GP Love Sister HopeSixteen ways FZJA23.03.1993
16USA1972DI Love UnlimitedWalkin' in the rain with the one SLGA11.05.1993
17USA--GW Low Pop SuicideCrush GREL06.04.1993
18BRD--GW Lunatic ArtworksBring me wondering light POHU19.04.1993
19GBR--GR L-KageThe story so far FZJA17.06.1993


1AAA1992HI MC ToroLondon kills me SLGA09.03.1993
2USA1993GR Madder RoseWhile away FZJA14.07.1993
3MEX--LP Maldita Vecindad Y Los Hijos De 5. PatioCumbala FZJA28.01.1993
4BRD1993SY Holle ManlerHeaven's gate SCTR23.12.1993
5ITA--JR Andrea Marcellisong 01 JAHY17.11.1993
6SPA--FL Martiriosong 01 BGSF17.03.1993
7GBR1993HI MarxmanTheme from Marxman FZJA25.02.1993
8BRD1993PO Mastinosong 01 FZJA22.03.1993
9USA1970GP Matthews' Southern ComfortWoodstock POHU20.04.1993
10USA1992PO Lonette McKeeDream of you FZJA25.02.1993
11USA1993PO Maria McKeeI'm gonna soothe you FZTU28.04.1993
12USA1993GR Maria McKeeMy girlhood among the outlaws POKH03.06.1993
13GBR1993GP Ian McNabbIt's allright when I make love to ABBA05.06.1993
14USA1989PR MeatmenCenturions of Rome GREL09.03.1993
15USA--JA Medeski, Martin & Woodsong 01 JASH15.12.1993
16BRA--LP Daniela Mercurysong 01 POKH02.06.1993
17USA--JA Meridian Arts EnsembleDeprise paradise INRU27.12.1993
18BRD1993GW Merry ThoughtsBoy sinister GREL09.02.1993
19BRD--PO Messer BanzaniPeace is wonder POKH04.05.1993
20USA1992GR MetallicaNothing else matters FZJA24.02.1993
21BRD--GR Me-JanesCry GRJO23.03.1993
22USA1993JR Marcus MillerFunny all she needs is love INRU23.08.1993
23USA--GR Mindfunksong 01 FZJA14.06.1993
24GBR1992FR Phil MintonSong for old lovers JASH06.01.1993
25GBR--GN Miranda Sex GardenSunshine GRJO23.03.1993
26GBR1993DU MixmanDub plate gorgon ABBA17.07.1993
27USA--BE Monster MagnetBlack balloon GREL20.04.1993
28GBR--JR Montessir BrothersThe ten worlds INRU17.05.1993
29GBR--GW Moon Seven TimesRise GRJO23.03.1993
30GBR1993GN MoonshakeCapitol letters GREL13.07.1993
31USA--JA Michael MoorRobinsons JAMB20.01.1993
32USA1963JA Lee MorganThe sidewinder JASH24.11.1993
33USA1993GR MorphineBuena ABBA04.12.1993
34BRD--SY Motion ManiaDancing circle SCTR15.04.1993
35GBR1993GW Motor Boys MotorDrive friendly GREL26.01.1993
36BRA--IN Tulio Mouraosong 01 ABBA07.08.1993
37EST--PO Mr. LawrenceCall your name FZJA16.06.1993
38GBR--JR Muffin' Mensong 01 INRU18.10.1993
39ZIM--AF Virginia Mukweshasong 01 POKH04.05.1993
40USA1992PO Jenni MuldaurGolden rule FZPB15.03.1993
41USA1980BR Geoff Muldaur & The NightlightsMeanest woman blues ABBA28.08.1993
42HON--FO MutsikasKosit den POFH10.05.1993
43CAN--GR Mystery Machinesong 01 GRJO23.03.1993


1USA1990GP NRBQI love her, she loves me POKG07.04.1993
2GBR1993GR Naked TruthBlack POFH16.03.1993
3USA1972GP Michael NesmithTwo different roads ABBA26.06.1993
4GBR--EW Adi Newtonsong 01 GREL18.05.1993
5ZWI--JR No No Diet BangDas Land eigen INRU17.05.1993
6FRA1992GR Noir DésirOblie FZJA16.06.1993
7ZWE--SY Michael NordforsThe fiddler SCTR03.06.1993
8AAA--GW NorthWalter GREL19.10.1993
9BRD1993GN NotwistJohnny + Mary GREL30.11.1993
10AAA1992PO John NovellI know, I know SLGA06.04.1993
11AUS1993GN Nursery CrimesFemme fatale GREL15.06.1993


1TUR--JA Erkan OgurArlama JASH24.02.1993
2ZWE--IN OmalaCataplasm GREL15.06.1993
3USA--BL Omar & The HowlersSelf congress blues ABBA27.03.1993
4GBR1993PO One DoveThere goes the cure ABBA27.11.1993
5NED1993SY Optical ImageTreasure point SCTR30.12.1993
6USA--SB Jay OwensBottom line SLGA23.03.1993
7GBR1991EW Ozric TentaclesLive throbbe/Weirditude GREL29.06.1993
8AAA--GP John O'Kanesong 01 FZPB20.01.1993
9AUS--JR Peter O'MaraMr. Lucky INRU08.02.1993


1AUS--GN Painters & DoggersSunday morning FZJA19.05.1993
2USA1993PO Papa's CulturePut me down POKH04.05.1993
3GBR1993SO Mica ParisCall me by my name SLGA23.03.1993